The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has a special deal for SC Firefighters – 1/2 off NVFC membership fees.
You can become part of the national voice of the volunteer by joining the National Volunteer Fire Council
Premium Individual Membership dues are typically $29 per firefighter, however as an SCSFA member you’ll pay just $15.
How to Join
Want to join online? Visit our Online Store and select Premium Individual Membership. Use the Discount Code SCSFA-NVFC to get the special discounted rate.
If more than one person is joining, please complete the NVFC Membership Application and Roster and send to [email protected], or NVFC, 7852 Walker Drive, Ste. 375, Greenbelt, MD 20770.
Premium Individual Member benefits include the following items (for a full list, click here)
- A $10,000 AD&D double indemnity insurance policy through Provident Agency
- Personalized membership card
- Access to the members-only portion of the NVFC website
- Access to resources, training, and other materials
- Educational discounts to online universities and fire service training sources
- Discounts on products and other services, and more!
For more information regarding NVFC All-State Membership, click here.